Arrow – “Taken” Review

Felicity found out about William the hard way, by Darhk flaunting the fact that the young boy was in his custody. This sent Felicity into a rage because of Oliver’s inability to tell her the truth. it cut her deep. That pain only got worse as it was revealed that Thea and Barry also knew despite the fact it was supposed to be a secret. Oliver’s lies and inability to tell the truth were highlighted over and over, including a dig from Laurel. Felicity is not taking it well and rightfully so. She couldn’t just forgive it, so she called off the engagement. Just in time for her to literally walk right out of his life.

Arrow - "Taken"Samantha was brought into the fold of Oliver’s reality. She needed to know to put her son had a chance. That meant she needed to know he wasn’t just an ordinary person, but the Green Arrow. While she seemed reasonably stunned, she soon seemed to get over it. It was the interactions with Felicity that proved most interesting. She did her part trying to make it clear that she forced Oliver to make a choice. While it doesn’t forgive what Oliver did, it’s nice to see that there is some remorse behind what was done.

Since Constantine is literally in Hell right now, Oliver needed different back up. This meant getting some help from Vixen. She was fierce and I loved seeing her kick some but. Within moments it was clear that she was not one who could be pushed aside. Mari can use magic to help. She was able to trace down William. heck she could fly. However it was most impressive to see her charge at Darhk when everyone else is immobilized.

Through all this, the condition Darhk made was that Oliver needed to drop out of the race. After attempts to get William back by force, Oliver did what he needed to do. he dropped out and then had to sit and wait for Darhk to turn over William. Oliver had already seen Darhk not make good on his deal, so they went in with force and with the goal to take away Darhk’s power. Vixen was able to do it successfully, giving Oliver the chance to take him out and get his son. What was really great about the whole thing was that William came away from the event no longer idolizing The Flash, but Green Arrow.

Arrow - "Taken"Throughout the entire episode there was a question of whether Oliver should be a part of William’s life. On one hand he was hearing from Diggle about how keeping Sarah safe was by keeping her close. While Mari was espousing how her situation was a gift from her parents rather than being in their danger. Oliver decided to keep William at a distance until he turns 18.

There were some nice digs through in from the Vixen animated series. For one, Oliver said they met in an animated adventure. Also it was nice seeing that she was already kind of in the fold.

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