Arrow - "Genesis"

Arrow – “Genesis” Review

John is not in his right mind. He is frustrated and uncertain. He’s carrying a lot of guilt on his shoulders and it’s making him behave irrationally. John has gone more than just vigilante, but reckless.John was a problem that was waiting to happen. Lyla didn’t like his behavior. it got him to finally back…

The Flash - "Rupture"

The Flash – “Rupture” Review

They are using a hologram to pretend like The Flash is still in business. It worked rather well, but how long that could last was quickly called into question. Wells is deadset on recreating the explosion. he’s damn near giddy about it. He’s completely all about doing it. however, the more that you think about…

The 100 – “Join or Die” Review

It was interesting seeing Pike and Kane on the same time. They had been do opposing that seeing that they both see the pill and what ALIe is found is wrong is a testament to how the two men were both about what was tight. The difference is that  The flashbacks were interesting. We got…

Arrow - "Canary Cry"

Arrow – “Canary Cry” Review

Laurel Lance is dead. That meant that the vast majority of the episode was spent with flashbacks to times when Laurel was still around as the team also dealt with moving forward without her. It is strange that when someone dies on this show, they never truly stay dead forever. There is this lingering presence…

The 100 – “Demons” Review

Under ALIE’s control all of Arkadia has been abandoned. it’s almost strange to think that the real threat of the season seemed to be Pike and his rule, but that was changed once ALIE assumed control. She’s dangerous, but in a less assuming way. That said there is a difference. Pike was ruled by fear…

The Flash - "Versus Zoom"

The Flash – “Versus Zoom” Review

Barry was able to use the Tachyon device to go fast. In it Barry briefly blinked out of existence, but was back so quickly that no one on the team noticed he’d left Earth 1. In fact there was no mention that he’d actually gone to Supergirl’s Earth. However I’m not sure why it wasn’t…

Supergirl. "Better Angels" Season 1 Episode 20. Season finale. S01E20. property of CBS

Supergirl -“Better Angels” Review

The cliffhanger from the end of the last episode was quickly resolved. I won’t say that it was easy for them to fix the entire situation, ut it did feel like what could have been a a really tense situation and dangerous circumstances it was involved. In fact shortly after that the entire myriad threat…

The 100 - "Nevermore"

The 100 – “Nevermore” Review

The episode felt like a bottle for quite a while. Despite the fact that the characters were moving from place to place the characters were largely together. They were interacting in confined spaces and there wasn’t much action in the early bits of the episode. This allowed for a group of characters to interact who…