Arrow - "Genesis"

Arrow – “Genesis” Review

John is not in his right mind. He is frustrated and uncertain. He’s carrying a lot of guilt on his shoulders and it’s making him behave irrationally. John has gone more than just vigilante, but reckless.John was a problem that was waiting to happen. Lyla didn’t like his behavior. it got him to finally back…

Arrow - "Canary Cry"

Arrow – “Canary Cry” Review

Laurel Lance is dead. That meant that the vast majority of the episode was spent with flashbacks to times when Laurel was still around as the team also dealt with moving forward without her. It is strange that when someone dies on this show, they never truly stay dead forever. There is this lingering presence…

Arrow - "Eleven-Fifty-Nine"

Arrow – “Eleven-Fifty-Nine” Review

Andy Diggle stepped into the forefront this episode. He’d faded back for a little while, but now that things are ramping up it makes sense that hes become more important. He is the in that Team Arrow has to the inner workings of HIVE. While we know that HIVE seems none too keen on Darhk…

Arrow - "Broken Hearts"

Arrow – “Broken Hearts” Review

Arrow is back. So is Cupid. She’s none too enamored with love any more. The opening of her killing the young couple was absolutely defeatist. It wasn’t until she left them as a symbol on the street to be found that her hostile intentions were clear. She’s going after happy celebrity couples at that. The…

Arrow - "Taken"

Arrow – “Taken” Review

Felicity found out about William the hard way, by Darhk flaunting the fact that the young boy was in his custody. This sent Felicity into a rage because of Oliver’s inability to tell her the truth. it cut her deep. That pain only got worse as it was revealed that Thea and Barry also knew…

Arrow - "Code of Silence"

Arrow – “Code of Silence” Review

Team Arrow is currently spinning desperately trying to figure out why exactly Darhk is making his play. Why would he let his wife run for mayor if he only wanted to destroy the city. In some ways that makes perfect sense. By having her in the office he would be able to more easily collapse…

Arrow - "Sins of the Father"

Arrow – “Sins of the Father” Review

Nyssa is still trying to claim that Oliver is her husband. At least she’s trying to get Oliver to do what she wants by drawing him in and using Thea as leverage. Oliver isn’t quite keen on killing Malcolm though. Despite listing off all the terrible things that Malcolm has done, Oliver knows that just…

Arrow - "Unchained"

Arrow – “Unchained” Review

Felicity is in with the team. She’s quite jazzed about being Overwatch. Things are not as clear with her position at Palmer Tech. During a dry runthrough of a presentation she was really fumbling about with the presentation. Between being in a wheelchair and not being a natural presenter it was bound to be clunky.…

Arrow - "A.W.O.L."

Arrow – “A.W.O.L.” Review

Felicity wants to be called Hot Wheels. I like it, but Oliver shot it down. Obviously she’s a bit down because of her condition, but she’s not feeling quite ready to be part of the team again, even after Oliver’s assurances that it’s her mind that helps them. It’s probably a good thing that Felicity…

Arrow - "Blood Debts"

Arrow – “Blood Debts” Review

Felicity is alive. She’s still in bad shape with apparent nerve damage. She’s been in and out of surgery and looks it, but even still she’s maintaining her usual humor and wit. It’s a credit to her character, but that’s still not a place you want to see her in. All this time Oliver did…

Arrow - "Brotherhood"

Arrow – “Brotherhood” Review

Darhk is out there literally burning money. He wants the city dead. HIVE needs a place that they can work and nothing is better than a city that has fallen to such disrepair and degradation that no one would try to nose in on any of the shady business going on there. What was interesting…

Arrow - "Lost Souls"

Arrow – “Lost Souls” Review

We are finally looking in to Ray’s disappearance now that it is abundantly clear that he is in fact alive. Felicity is going into overdrive trying to trace back where his message came from and is driving herself into a frenzy. Both Oliver and Curtis are concerned about her because she’s operating in this sort…

Arrow - "Haunted"

Arrow – “Haunted” Review

Sara is out of her cage and she’s dangerous. On one hand she is saving people that are in danger. However as soon as she saves them, she attacks them all the same. She’s an equal opportunity attacker. The problem is she’s killing her opponents and leaving a trail of bodies behind. She’s a danger…