We Write Wednesday: The Rut

I swear I didn’t forget to make a We Write Wednesday post. It just got lost in the ether. Nevermind that, I’m here now for my post. I can partially put some of the blame of not having this post up at it’s usual time to the topic. The rut. Any writer knows the feeling.…

We Write Wednesdays: Finding the Heart of the Story

One thing that I’ve found over the four or so years that I’ve been writing is that finding the heart of a story can be tough. Yet, there are other times when that heart is so blaringly obvious that it is practically smacking you in the face. In case for some reason you don’t know…

We Write Wednesdays: The R&R

We Write Wednesdays is a new feature I’ll be adding to this blog. Every Wednesday will feature a new writing related topic. As this feature grows, my hope is that it will become more interactive. For right now, I just want to share some of my experiences with you. The R&R. It’s the one response…

NaNoWriMo 2015 Update # 2 + Excerpt

If I went to sleep right now, I would sleep for ten hours. Easily. I’m tired. It’s the end of week two and I’m nothing short of exhausted. Waking up early so I can get my word count in and then staying up late so I can read is really leaving me with not enough…

NaNoWriMo Update 2015 #1 + Excerpt

Almost a full week down. Day 6. We can do this guys. Usually I’m totally on a high during the first week or so. The exhaustion hasn’t set in. There’s the thrill of writing a new story. All I need is the time to go and the story unfolds. It’s kind of like magic. So…

NaNoPrep: Get Excited

There is no denying that NaNoWriMo is draining. It is a constant push to try to keep yourself motivated. You’re pulling all that you’ve got to get your story on the page. As rewarding as that can be, it is still difficult. However, part of getting through the beginning is starting off on a high.…

NaNoWriMo Prep: Sleep Schedule

NaNoWriMo is right around the corner. That means not only do I need my outline ready. I need my body ready. That’s right. Part of my prep is getting myself physically ready for the added strain that NaNoWriMo will put on my body. That’s not even including getting myself mentally ready to attack my personal…

NaNoPrep: Why I Need Outlines

NaNoWriMo is barrelling towards us. You know the time of year where a bunch of people all over the world decide to stop putting aside whatever reasons they had to not work on that book they wanted and start writing. It is a kick in the pants for writers who do it regularly. It’s an…

Problems With My Writing: Orchestrating Movements

I’ve been hard at work editing again. I do a lot of tinkering, smoothing out the plot, and trying to make sure that the story I want sings. However as I edit, it becomes very clear that I have certain weaknesses. For me, putting it out there and acknowledging my flaws helps me ove past…

Back in the Writing Saddle

Let’s be honest, I haven’t talked much about writing recently. I haven’t frequented AbsoluteWrite like I used to. I’ve dropped off. I’ve had my reasons though. I lost my inspiration. A death in the family rattled me. I felt like I was the worst writer ever. Rejections were piling up. There are all sorts of…

Camp NaNoWriMo Update

There is no way I’m going to reach my goal. There I said it. It’s true. It is rare that I don’t accomplish the goals that I set out to reach. I end up beating myself up a lot and feeling like a failure. I’m not published. I have no one looking over my shoulder.…

It’s Camp NaNoWriMo Time

While I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo for the past 3 years and intend to this year as well, I’ve never actual dug my feet into Camp Nano. Once I set a goal, but I never joined in. It’s not as though I don’t write in the summer. I’ve just never joined in with the Camp Nano…

I Need a Beta

Despite all my other interests that I share on my blog, the biggest thing in my life has bee my writing. More than anything I want to write. However, I’ve let fear cripple me. I can’t let that continue. I’ve been working on my contemporary. I should be done with my first round of edits…

Writing Update

Again, I wish I had more time this week. Between reading for #TBRTakedown, my birthday, errands, and my constant state of exhaustion, I just haven’t had a whole lot of time this week. However, I love you all and everyone who frequents this blog so I wanted to let you know how my writing was…