Gotham - "Rise of the Villains: Knock Knock"

Gotham – “Rise of the Villains: Knock Knock” Review

There was a moment in this episode when I realized that I had to review this episode. I planned to not review this episode, but then I just got sucked in to one particular moment that I wanted to discuss. So rather than one of my normal reviews, I’m just going to highlight a few…

Gotham Season 1 Review

I went into Gotham really wanting to like it. Sure I had some doubts because it seemed that very early on, just from the trailer, that they wanted to throw as many references to Batman in. That is certainly what happened and if it was handled with a more delicate hand it might have left…

Gotham - "Under The Knife"

Gotham – “Under The Knife” Review

In one of Gotham’s extremely rare continuations we saw Jim digging further into this serial killer. It is interesting, but not surprising that Jim is still doing this despite there being a threat on Leslie’s life. Unlike Barbara who fled and foolishly came back, Leslie made it clear that she was never going to leave.…

Gotham - "Beast of Prey"

Gotham – “Beasts of Prey” Review

Fish is in an interesting position trapped on the island. However, being the inventive and cunning woman she is she figured she could risk a walk outside to figure a way off the island. She’s sneaking around trying every angle, but none were working. Everywhere she went, there were others trying to get in their…

Gotham - "Red Hood"

Gotham – “Red Hood” Review

There was something enjoyable about the hammy nature of Red Hood in this episode. He was merely one of a hapless group of bank robbers. When their heist went not so great, they threw the money they stole to the random citizens of the bank to help their escape. For a bunch of somewhat idiots,…

Gotham - "Scarecrow"

Gotham – “The Scarecrow” Review

Last week’s case continued into this week a Crane continued to take the adrenal glands of victims. Gerald decided that he would test his adrenal gland cocotion on himself first. As such it looked like what you would expect from a horror filled scarecrow nightmare. Crane saw his wife in a trail of fire. See…

Gotham - "The Fearsome Dr. Crane"

Gotham – “The Fearsome Dr. Crane” Review

Scarecrow is one of those villains that is synonymous with Batman. Considering how many of Batman’s opponents and allies have already been introduced on the show, it isn’t surprising that we are seeing the introduction of Scarecrow already, despite Batman’s first appearance being a ways away. Our first glimpse at scarecow is solid. he thrives…