The Originals - "Ashes to Ashes"

The Originals – “Ashes to Ashes” (Season Finale) Review

As we learned last week Klaus was out to play Dahlia to save his child. That meant going to some extreme measures to protect Hope. He’s wronged a ot of people to get to what he wanted. Klaus bought them time by having Dahlia bind to him and then he willingly daggered himself. It didn’t…

The Originals - "Sanctuary"

The Originals – “Sanctuary” Review

Secrets, secrets, secrets. They are the lifeblood of this show. Without secrets, many pf the shows plots crumble. Now, the livelihood of all the wolves in the quarter is partially dependent on Hayley revealing her secrets. Her secrets aren’t entirely hers though, but effect many of the originals. The safety of her daughter is reliant…